Monday, November 28, 2011

Weigh In, Five, and Weekend Shenanigans.

The chart™
Morning, peeps! I didn't blog all holiday weekend but a lot of stuff sure happened.  First here's my Monday check in:

261 pounds. That means I'm exactly 60 pounds under my starting weight - a goal has been reached. :)

That also means I am a mere 40 pounds from my goal weight, and once I get there I don't plan to stop, I'm going to just have different goals beyond weight loss by that time.  I'll update my goal sheet and share that sometime soon too, but here's a fun look at my overall weight progress, both on my current push and overall. 

Thursday was, of course, Thanksgiving. I am going to devote a separate post to that tomorrow, since I have to hijack some awesome photos from Dawn's digital camera to spice it up.  To sum up though, it was very fun and food-friendly, too. I had some turkey, some green beans and mushrooms, and a little bit of a pretty righteous cake Dawn made for dessert. More on all that, later.

Friday, I did a short little bit of work in the morning, just for an hour or so.  I mostly popped by the office to see if it was busy enough that I needed to be there.. at the time it sure wasn't.  While I was there I learned that a co worker had some stuff which prevented really doing much for Thanksgiving.  That doesn't work for me, so after I left the office I went and got some apple cider and a couple of different types of cookies from the deli, and brought them back for the people working that day.

The Bhargavas in action.
Leslie and Parul dropped by mid day and we all went out to eat lunch at a Mongolian grill in Lynnwood.  Then the two of them went out walking with me on the good old college trail.  Thanks to their advanced gadgetry, I now know that the college walk is 5500 steps, and 2.5 miles. It was cool having the company and it was a beautiful day for a walk, sunny and dry.  As you can see in this photo, these two are just melting away!

Saturday, Dawn and I took care of some chores around the house and then she decided to go walking with me.  She's recovering from a hurt knee and bronchitis - but nonetheless, she walked the whole college trail with me, quite a trooper! I would put a picture of her up here too but generally speaking, I value my life enough not to post pictures of Dawn without her consent and signature in triplicate. Love you honey!

We went out to eat at Five in Edmonds that evening, a favorite hangout of ours. We shared some hummus and then ordered a few small pizzas for dinner.  I made a crack that it was going to be the most bread I've eaten in months.  I couldn't help but recall how we'd been at the same place several months earlier, at which time Parul ordered a pizza (he's a known pizza fiend) and made a comment about how he was breaking his food plan on purpose for the night. The parallel is amusing to me.

It's worth it:

Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella

Pear and Gorgonzola

Sunday, we started the day out with some serious laziness and it never got better for me, I didn't take a walk or do much of anything that particular day.. but, whatever. ;)

My brother and his daughter came by mid-afternoon and we all went out to grab some sushi from Blue C at the mall,  which Tessa likes.  I sneakily parked us a small distance from the restaurant so we could get in a minor little walk, haha. We rounded out the day and I made a healthy meatloaf for dinner, and Dawn made some of her righteous vegetarian soft tacos.

One other thing happened too.  I mentioned I have a holiday party coming up on 12/11 and I needed to decide what to wear, and was worried my clothes don't fit very well at the moment.  I tried on several sweaters and jackets from my closet, found out several are too big, one was too small, one is okay.

Then I tried on the button shirt that I wore for my wedding, and which I had worn to a few other holiday parties. A shirt that used to barely fit, and was super uncomfortable, tight, made my very self-conscious. Expecting it to be snug, I was utterly stunned when it floated on me. As in, I could pull it five or six inches out from my chest and stomach and the sleeves are too long.

I had to tell Dawn, "Sorry, I'm having a moment here. A 'Go Mark' moment. Hell yeah!" :D

1 comment:

  1. Go Mark Go! That is awesome to hear that you are doing so well and continue to kick the snot out of yourself!
