Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Losing weight.. and other things.

My ring :)

So, almost all of my damned clothes are getting too big. I also have a freaky story about my wedding ring.  It got too loose to wear on my ring finger a little while ago, and lately, pretty loose even on my middle finger, where I have been wearing it.

Recently, I took Dawn over to Target in Lynnwood because she wanted to buy a new pair of gloves, and we needed a few other things.  When we walked in the front of the store, immediately there was a rack of women's winter gloves.  She tried on a nifty pair of fingerless gloves that have a little part which tucks over your fingers when it gets cold, but keeps them free otherwise so you can use your phone, camera, etc. more easily.

She had me try them on too, and I thought they were ultra comfy.  Then we hung them back on the rack, and she tried another few pairs from the rack.. wasn't sure.

We spent a while longer in the store, getting some other things and Dawn looked at gloves in other places as well. I think we were there for about a half hour more or so.  She ultimately decided to go with the first pair of gloves and we went back and grabbed them, and checked out.

Then I noticed, my ring was missing. I said, "Honey.. now.. don't freak out, but... I don't have my ring. I probably just took it off at home, while doing dishes or something. Don't worry."

If there is a better way to get your wife to freak out than to tell her "Don't freak out," I don't know one.

So we got home, and I looked around the typical places my ring would be.. nope, not there.  Then Dawn unpacked her shopping bags, and her gloves and put them on.. and inside one of them, in the finger, was my wedding ring.

So basically, it came off when we tried them on initially and sat there in that glove for a half hour while we walked the store, and we just so happened to grab that exact same pair of gloves from a rack of identical gloves to buy later on, or I wouldn't have a ring any more.


That bad boy needs resizing, but we're going to wait until later in case (or I should say, for when) I lose more weight too.

In other news, Dawn has craft night tonight and I am all alone this evening.  I'm going to cook up a big batch of chili for upcoming lunches and such, and I have a ton of chicken breasts I need to clean and freeze, and I plan to cook a few up for dinner.

I'm finding bell peppers to be a very nice part of my diet lately and they are very colorful too.  I think I am going to marinate some chicken for a little bit and maybe do enchiladas.  Trick is - dodging the tortillas, etc.  Corn is better than flour, but I'm going to find a way around it.

It'll be more of an enchilada stir fry and side salad.. thing, I guess. Haha.


  1. Great save with the ring! What a lucky break! My saving grace on Atkins is the low carb tortillas I've been able to find. They can be a little pricey, depending on where I buy them, so I don't eat them all the time, but they're a great alternative when I'm really craving a sandwich.

  2. That's a good thought, Jen. Thanks! I haven't even looked into it.. I have wandered from the 'pure protein' days that Dukan calls for, but I've stayed mostly on the approved foods list. Bread and tortillas, etc. have been off the menu almost always - I just had some 100 calorie sandwich thins with burgers the other day and enjoyed that. I'll look for these. Hey I'll have a good recipe too if they work, and I'll share. :)

  3. Glad you got your ring back wow, thats an amazing story
