Monday, November 7, 2011

And the fallen shall rise.. temporarily.

Click for the big version.
So, last week was quite a challenge for me.  To put it mildly.  It was a week filled with fun stuff, but also with a bit of cheating on my diet for the first time.

Part of my blog here is to cop to that - and I did. I gave myself a pass when I took Dawn out to dinner for her birthday and it was the first of several times I cheated on the food plan this week.  I had a little birthday cake, a handful of Cheetos, and I even had a fast-food burger Sunday (though, no cheese, etc.. pretty plain.)

Probably to me - the worst cheat though is I didn't get a walk in on Saturday.  I just didn't have enough time early in the day (though I busted ass doing tons of house chores the evening before and that morning, so I dud burn some calories).  And the day was a long one filled with company, no real time to get it in there.

As you can see on the grand old chart, there were predictable consequences to this stuff, I put a pound on this week.  A chart that just goes down is boring anyway, right?


Yeah, OK. I can't but that either, and I'm the one selling it. ;)

So this week is 'get back on track' week for me.  I'm not worried about last week, because it gave me a chance to re-evaluate my goals, re-examine my behavior and tell myself, "Well, well, well. You sort of screwed that up there, dude. Way to go. Now, can we please get back to being responsible?"

I did get in a very nice long walk Sunday, I took some mail Dawn had down to the post office on foot, then walked over and walked the college trail back, and that felt really great.  It's getting mighty cold outside, in the mid thirties these past few mornings.. I'm not seeing many people out on the trail now.  Soon it will just be me and my headphones.

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