Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sunrise, Goal Chat and Kinect?

The sunrises are awesome this time of year. Even a pic taken with my phone camera looks purty.

I think this weekend it will be time to try out some new recipes. I need to find some that I can make in quantity, like cook on Sunday and have lunches for 3-4 days from it.

Any suggestions are welcome! The obvious idea is doing soup, but that's tough on a high protein diet.  What works best is probably going to be something like a casserole (but I can't do pasta, potatoes, etc)  - or a dish that is crock-potted.  The key thing for lunches is that they shouldn't be something that is absolutely horrible when reheated in a microwave.  I've run into a few horrible mistakes in that category - the meatballs I made a couple of days ago are one. Dry, dry, dry when reheated.  I needed to make some sort of healthy tomato/pasta-ish sauce to go with them and I did not.  Hmmm.  There's a thought.


I had a weight loss goal of 275 to hit before getting a new winter coat and it is getting close. At that point I'll have dropped approximately 46 pounds.  I decided, since I also have found a bunch of older jackets that fit - I am going to adjust that goal to - when I have lost 50 pounds, or down to 271 in other words.

277 this morning. 6 to go.  I could get there by mid November.. we'll see.

I seem to be dropping about 3 pounds a week roughly. If that continues, by the end of the year I might be somewhere in the neighborhood of 253 pounds.  I had a hoped-for goal of getting down to about 250 by the time we go to Hawaii in the middle of January. I might make it. Maybe, maybe.

One thing I probably need is some sort of better direction in terms of what to do when I start going back to the gym. As is, I am quite comfortable doing cardio stuff like treadmill, bikes, elliptical. Beyond that.. I sort of wing it, do several sets on a bunch of different resistance machines, etc.

I should probably investigate an actual pre-planned workout routine to do there. I don't think I want a personal trainer nor could I really afford it currently, so it'll be an amusing experience trying to figure it out.

Dawn wants to get a Wii or maybe a Kinect so she can do some of the exercise and game-related workout stuff at home, too.  So perhaps that will happen at some point.  While it has zero to do with the exercise part of it - the Wii is just dated feeling to me, and the Kinect is awesome but they sure haven't bothered making many awesome games for it yet. WTF, right?

I wonder what is in store there.

At the moment it is a giant bunch of this.

I don't know what is going on here, but it feels vaguely dirty. Is that the Pope? God dammit, google image search.

1 comment:

  1. I know I could count on you for finding stuff that should not be found, post it, and then say, hey look!

    Thanks Mark :)

    As for more cool games coming out, here is a list of games.

    I personally am looking forward to Fable Journey.

    I recently got Forza 4 and it can be played either using the Kinect or a controller.

    As always dude, keep rocking it and I am glad you both are working at this together. It is awesome to see.

    If you decide to go down the Kinect path, let me know.
