Saturday, October 1, 2011

Morning walk - and oh hai, kitteh!

Went out for a walk on the EdCC trail this morning. 2.5 miles in about 40 minutes.  I am really enjoying going for morning walks on the weekends and am curious how the onset of fall and winter is going to affect things for me. I have warmer workout clothes ready to go though so I should be alright.

Taking walks around the area for the last few months has really taught me a lot about where I live.  Stuff I'd never notice while driving has amused me in many cases.  Such as a frightening burlap sack with a 'FREE' sign affixed lying beside the road.  Yeah... ok, just keep walking.

This morning I also jogged part of the path, back and forth, a couple of times. It was the first time I have tried that and my verdict - no, not quite yet. Think I need to take off another 20 pounds before running around becomes more feasible.

Tonight Jason and Leslie are coming by and I am going to try a new recipe out - turkey and shrimp meatballs with Asian dipping sauce.  If they turn out good I will post up the recipe.

Dawn found some of the pix we took when we went to Mount Saint Helens a few years ago as well and showed a few of them to me.  I can't believe how much I weighed, it's a little embarrassing to look at but mostly humorous to me.  I hope I am never that way again!  I'm on a good path now.  For that matter - though she doesn't seem to like being told - Dawn is shedding pounds and looking great too.  The power of vegetarianism at work!

One final note.  Today was the second time I met a new buddy of mine while walking - a little Bengal tiger cat. He's very loud - reminds me of a certain other cat I know, who shall remain un-named.  I took a nice pic of him saying howdy!

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