Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Progress - and a perspective shift.

I've found that I am in a pattern the last few weeks. I will stay around the same weight for 4-5 days and then abruptly drop a few pounds.  I think this is due to the rhythm of the diet, and the change between pure protein days and protein and veggie days - and the resulting water weight I hang onto and then suddenly drop.

This morning I weighed in at 280.5 on my scale.  I also got a different scale from Leslie who was kind enough to pass it on since they got a better one.  The new scale (which is a better scale) is telling me 277.8 this morning.  I think I am gonna have to hit the scale at the gym and see what it says, I have a feeling my 'old' scale is probably a liar. ;)  Either way - that means I have officially lost just over FORTY POUNDS.  I just can't get my head around it.

This reinforces something to me, actually - the scale is just an indicator, it has little to do with more important things such as:

  • I have worn 4 shirts in the last week which haven't fit me in years.
  • I have been walking for miles per day now - and I never get out of breath. Ever.
  • My feet and ankles are hurting far less than they used to.

I check the scale every day anyway - it's hard not to do. Curiosity has me thinking to myself... I need to peek! What if I ate something yesterday and gained like, 10 pounds back. Soon small objects like staplers and pencils will begin to orbit me.

The truth is I am 7.5 weeks into this diet, and I have made a lifestyle change.  I think the word 'diet' is not really appropriate any longer.  Diet is something you do briefly, to shed a few extra pounds.  Lifestyle means, I am doing different things.. and it is a permanent change, a decision to treat myself better in terms of my physical well being and not go back to my past dietary and exercise sins.

I get home now and the first thing on my mind is going out for a walk.  I look forward to the weekend mornings because it means a longer walk, and a chance to get outside for a bit.  I take a few minutes every day to do some simple stretching exercises and have been thinking about getting a few weights, perhaps.

That is not stuff which would even have been on my long term radar just a few months ago.

I worry occasionally that I am spending too much time talking about my diet + exercise, etc.  It's hard not to when it is at the forefront of my mind though, and I am excited about it.

I am very fortunate to have a lot of support from my wife, Dawn.  She has been awesome about helping me make good food choices, and she is (I think) enjoying watching my progress.  The other day she looked at me and said, "You're the incredible shrinking man!"

I guess the battle of Mark vs. Mark is going pretty well. :)

Now, for no reason, here is a picture I drew of a ninja, at a 45 degree angle.


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