Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday weigh-in - and picture time.

Happy Monday, my very small scattering of blog readers. It's time for another weekly weigh-in and I decided it was about time for some new pictures, since the other ones were from about a month ago. Dawn was kind enough to take a few of me yesterday.  Without further ado:

October 16 front pic
October 16th side pic

This morning I weighed in at 283.  That means since August 29th I have dropped 38 pounds.  I'm at a slow and steady weight loss rate now which is to be expected.  Most important is that I am feeling great! I have more energy, and I am much more active. I'm fitting into clothes which have hung unworn in my closet for years.

I'm still not sure if I am hitting correct calorie counts.  Leslie got on me about that again, and rightly so.  I'm putting together a list of the things I seem to eat the most often lately and their nutrition content, so I can get on top of that. Insufficient calories can greatly slow weight loss and isn't healthy for you for a number of reasons.

I really appreciate the encouragement and support of my friends and family, it really does make a great difference in my ability to stick to my guns.

The grand old chart:

Click for full size


  1. Way to go, Mark! Interesting blog. This is Jan Gerber and here is my blog: littlebakers7

  2. Went back and checked out the first "picture time" so I could compare... awesome progress! You're doing great! That's one of the first things I really took notice of after I lost the first chunk of weight... how much better I felt! There were so many more things I could do without getting exhausted, and I actually wanted to do them! Keep up the great work! I'm so proud of you! :)

  3. You're doing so well! I admire the progress you've made. I looked at the first "picture time" also and your results are amazing.

  4. This is so awesome. KEEP it up!!!!!
