Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cold Ones (No, not beer)

It's been cold lately - but this morning was about 30f, brrrr. When I went out walking I took childish pleasure stepping on the crispy grass, listening to the nice frosty crunch of it underfoot and I snapped this pretty nifty picture.

It has been a quiet week for Dawn and I for the most part.  We're getting ready to have people over for Christmas on Sunday so we're cleaning, and making checklists for cooking dinner, and emailing everyone. I love the holiday season - it's always busy but I really enjoy everyone getting together and seeing friends and family, and having a good time.

Punkin' pie!
On the health and diet front, it's been a mediocre week for me.  I have watched my weight go very mildly up since Monday, and know it'll come back down by the end of the weekend.. it's become a normal pattern for me.  The net result is typically a pound or two lost per week which has been very encouraging.  I did indulge in a few things this week, such as a skinny slice of a particularly delicious pumpkin pie Dawn baked up for me to take in to work.  It was universally nommed up on and adored by everyone. :)

Tonight I have some work to do on a personal art project, more on that later.

I don't know that I'll get another blog up before the holidays so if you happen to read this, Merry Christmas to you - or happy whatever else.  Hang out with people you know and love, eat food, and try not to think about serious stuff for a day. It's good for you.

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