Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Birthday shenanigans.

It was my Birthday yesterday and we hooked up with a few friends and family at Claim Jumper at the Alderwood mall.  I wanted to keep it small this year, and yep, I'm a 37-year-old me now. :)

For dinner I had roasted tri-tip, and I got green beans and roasted veggies as the side - skipped potatoes, skipped the cheese bread which came with it and gave it away.  They were nice enough to provide a birthday red velvet cupcake, I did have a bite of that but gave most of it away too. 

Christmas was also pretty awesome, we have photos to get up so I will have another belated holiday blog sometime soon, promise.  Needless to say during these holidays there was much to nom upon and I indulged myself a bit in both cases.  It had the predictable result of giving me back a couple of the pounds I've lost recently, but I am comfortable with that, since I know now that I'll just get back on track again in the wake of it.  The only really large obstacles on the horizon for me now are a new years party (should be easy) - and a vacation to Hawaii in January (which won't be easy - but who cares, it's HAWAII, we will be having a fantastic time!)

Approaching the end of 2011, I had a midway goal weight in mind. An arbitrary number, 250.  When I started doing this it seemed unattainable to me, but I have come close. I could even make it - I have until Sunday this week, but I might not quite squeak in there.  As of this morning I have 5.5 pounds more to shed to make that happen.  Even if I don't get to 250, I feel like I'm hitting my personal goals on a regular basis, which is just fine.

When I first started Dukan, I did a survey on their website to show me their expectation of my timeline for reaching my goal weight and beginning 'phrase 3' of the diet. Despite me stating at the time my goal was 221 pounds (losing 100 pounds) - the diet recommended I try for 230, my 'true weight' - a realistic weight I could reach and maintain.  I did the survey on 8/28/11 and here's a look at the time line they expected for me:

Utterly cheesy.. but actually a pretty reasonable timeline.

Strictly following the Dukan Diet, it was expected that I won't get down to 230 pounds until June of 2012.  The consolidation phase (phase 3) in the Dukan diet is intended to keep you on the right path, so you don't slip off your diet and go back to bad habits - at a time when your body is eager to regain lost calories and pounds.  It's one of the reasons I chose this diet as my starting point - knowing it was going to keep helping me long term.  I figure if I can lose about 3 pounds a week, which is pretty reasonable, It'll take another 11-12 weeks for me to get down to my 221 target.  That means I'll hit it roughly in April.  I'll keep going from there, of course.. but that's the primary initial goal for me still at this point, getting to my 100 pounds lost point on this diet, which will really be about 119 pounds down from my heaviest.

More importantly than all of those numbers and pounds though is that I am feeling much better, healthier, more energetic, and more ambitious in general.  That's what I really wanted, and needed, out of this.

I'm not putting up a weight chart, etc. this week. I'll have an end of the year one up next Monday, hopefully it will be good news, and I have a little more serious post to write as well to go with it.

After all, the battle of Mark vs. Mark is a battle that will still be waged in 2012.  If the world is going to end, I want to go out of it feeling healthier. ;)

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