Friday, October 21, 2011

Water Bottle Saga - part 2. And some food info, promise.

My artistic rendition of the suspect.

The water bottle saga turned out to be more hilarious than I hinted at in my blog yesterday.  I think the order of events went something like this, in a prime example of too much time spent over something relatively trivial...

1. I left water bottle at the back of the classroom at the Bellevue Sheraton.
2. Nancy grabbed it for me and brought it out while I was collecting class eval forms from people leaving.
3. I tucked the bottle on one of the chairs and slid it under the table.
4. I gathered up the class material and left, leaving the bottle there.
5. Realizing I'd left it, I asked someone in the office to call Justin (the instructor) to see if he could grab it.
6. Justin had already left.
7. Wendy, the co-worker I'd given a ride to work in the morning, called the hotel to ask about it.
8. Hotel says they can't find it.
9. Wendy sends me the # for the hotel, says maybe I should call, I know better where it might be.
10. I call, but the number Wendy gave me goes to a phone tree asking for a registration number.
11. I call a second time, get a guy who listens to the story then tells me he works for
12. I get the # for the bellevue Sheraton from him. Hang up. Realize it is the # I called in step 10 and 11.
13. Wendy says. "Oops! Wrong number, here's the right number."
14. I call the second number, which goes to a chiropractors office.
15. Wendy, "OMG. Sorry, sorry! Here's the right #."
16. Me: Naw, I will just use online chat, they seem to have it.
17. Log on to 'Sheraton Online Chat' and get a very bot-sounding guy connected.
18. I ask the guy about the bottle, give very specific info about where it is, etc. He says:
19. "I am not locating at hotel sorry, but I can ask them to open a ticket, they get back to you 5 days."
20. I try call #3 to the hotel.  Get a woman, "Oh, yeah. Someone else called about this before. We don't have it, sorry."
21. Wendy says, "Well my husband is working right down there today, and he says he's going to just go by, that they must not have looked for it properly."
22. Me: "It's.. ok. It's just a plastic water bottle. I don't even like it that much. This is the universe's way of telling me, "Son.. it's time to move on."
23. Wendy: "Oh, he's going anyway, he's on a mission now."
24. Later that night her husband went, they could not find. He left his contact info.
25. This morning I picked Wendy up again to give her a lift to the office.

She tells me, "So, at 6:19pm last night - the guy from the Sheraton called, they found it.  I bet they were probably thinking when my husband walked in, 'Oh my God, we better find this thing. Now they're sending in Guido!"

Evidently, he's gonna go get my water bottle later tonight.  I told Wendy at this point, I would be horribly embarrassed to even go in there and ask about it.  Maybe I should get one of those FBI-looking ear buds with a cord, and when I grab the bottle from the desk, tap it and say loudly, "Sir? We've got it. We're moving out." And then run out the door.

In other news, I engaged in my first ever deliberate cheating on my diet last night, after having such a colorful day.  In 2 forms.

I didn't go for my second walk.
I nommed up on a 100-calorie pack little thing of cookies Dawn had around.

Somehow I think my sins can be forgiven. ;)

I realized something in the store yesterday too - I swung by there to grab some more yogurt, red wine vinegar, and a few chicken breasts.

I've become the guy who stands at the wall of yogurt carefully picking which one to get, because one has 6g more sugars than another, or too many carbs.  I rotate the items so I can compare nutrition labels.

I used to sit and give this kind of careful scrutiny to items in the candy row instead.

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