Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Lunch - Weekend Plans, Etc.

As has become the norm, met up with Leslie for Mongolian Grill chow at lunch today.  She put a heaping spoon of chili paste on her food and regretted it after the first bite - but then powered through it.

Got back to the office, found out that some kind soul had taken and eaten the Greek yogurt I brought in.  The cup from it was right on top of the trash in the bun.

It was nice of them to try helping me watch my calories, but come on. ;)

Leslie's also joining me on my walk tomorrow around the college, the weather looks promising. Which is to day, toasters, acid, lightning, spider legs, etc. are not forecast to spew forth from the sky.  I guess we'll see. I'm content just not to get rained on while walking.

I don't have a very interesting blog update to make today, so instead of that, here is a picture of how I feel today:


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