Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Weigh in (Week 9)

I love autumn around the Pacific Northwest.
It's another goal achievement week for me! To cut to the chase, my scale weight this morning is 273.5, putting me past my 275 goal.  I did quite a bit of exercise this weekend and it has rewarded me handsomely.

My 275 goal reward was a new winter coat - going to need one soon enough too at the rate things are going. Check out that beautiful fall foliage and fog!

However, I am fitting into some older clothing lately and that includes about three jackets I have never worn very much, so I am good to go for a little while longer before taking the plunge and getting a nicer heavy-duty coat.  Got to decide, too.. go for another leather jacket? Or try something else this time.. hmm. Decision time.

My next goal weight is 260, and realistically I am expecting to be on target for that sometime in December.  I have the hurdle of Thanksgiving (and possible vacation time) to go through before then - but I survived Halloween (Well, almost!) without cheating, except for a nibble on a piece of cheesecake Dawn brought home the other day from a lunch out with friends.

Run for your lives!
Plans are already brewing for some things next year too, since a few of us are getting in better shape this year.  I'm thinking about jumping on board for these too - seems intimidating right now, but something to work towards? You bet.

The awesomest sounding one is "Run for your lives!" - a 5K run where you are chased by zombies, and have to navigate obstacles. 

Leslie and Parul also want to go Sky Diving. I dunno about that one.  I've got no fear of heights, but the idea of tossing myself out of a plane taps the little part of my brain which says, "Life is finite, the skill of parachute makers may not be." So we'll see about that one. ;)

Either way it seems clear to me that the future holds more variety in terms of activities, and they are a fun and healthy thing to work towards.  I would really like to feel that I can get off my ass and go do whatever I want without thinking ahead of time whether it's too tiring, too uncomfortable... yeah.  Think I will start small though. There's a track near our home.  I wonder, in a few months, how quickly I can do a mile? I remember hating that in high school, but I was a chubby kid then too.  I think the only time in my adult life I wasn't was during college when I was a lot more active.

Hey wait.. being active makes you healthy?

Who knew! XD

Alrighty, one other little thing to chat about here.  This is regarding the Dukan Diet.  Technically I am on "Phase 2" or the so-called "Cruise Phase." I am supposed to be alternating pure protein days with protein+vegetable days.  I'm gonna go on record here and state that I have not been playing by the rules very strictly for a few weeks.  I haven't done a pure protein day since early October, and I don't seem to be suffering a bit for it. That's just ME mind you - if anyone else is on this diet, don't use me as an example.. we're all different.

I am getting by by making smart food choices, and smart choices about what to do with my free time when it crops up.  I do keep a mantra from the Dukan Diet pretty strongly in mind when shopping for food.

"Low or no fat, low or no carb, low or no sodium.  Starches begone!"

Alright, that's admittedly the first time I've said that, but it's pretty much how I think when looking at product labels.  The main think the diet has drilled into me is to consider what is in the food I eat.  I'm going to revisit one of my earlier blog posts sometime soon, my ten eating sins, and check in again on how that's going.

My little mantra there would sound a LOT cooler in Italian. Let's see what google translate can do for me.

"Basso o nullo contenuto di carboidrati grassi, basso o nullo, basso contenuto di sodio o no. Amidi Vattene!"

OK, here's the goods.

Clicky Clicky

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