Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday walking + attitude check.

It's getting very autumn-colored around here, at last. Summer was late showing up this year, and fall is following suit.  I was starting to worry we'd hit Halloween and still have nothing but green leaves.

The trail around the college was my target again this morning, we figured out it's about a 2 mile walk.  And by "figured out" I mean Leslie notice mile posts when we walked it together last weekend. ;)

I'm wondering whether and to what degree they maintain it during the winter, when less people are probably interested in wandering around outside in the rain and snow.  For now it looks beautiful and I will toss up a few more pictures at the end of this blog post.  Seems like most of the trees in our neck of the woods like to turn a vivid red color this time of year, it's like walking through a firestorm.

I'm feeling antsy lately on the weekends. I'm sure it has a lot to do with being in slightly better shape, and it is coming at a weird time since doing things outdoors without being soaked and freezing in the Seattle isn't easy.

I also haven't looked at my diet book in a few weeks... the 'cruise phase' of the Dukan Diet is something I know inside-out by this point, but also, it's becoming clear to me that it is a good guidepost but if I follow it religiously I am going to be pretty damned sick of the 'pure protein' days within another few weeks.  Already I have moved off the 'every other day' rhythm.. I tend to do them Tuesday and Thursday and that's it.  I'm still losing weight so, whatever, right?

I'm also eating a little more on purpose, to be sure I hit minimum calorie counts.

I've been in a pretty good mood thanks to all of this, right up until last night. I'm really not sure why but this morning I have just been very blah.  I went walking but I am beat. Had a big breakfast, too.. yogurt + oat bran, 2 eggs, three strips of low-sodium turkey bacon. Have had plenty of water.  Just feeling sacked, all of a sudden, urgh.

I'm taking Dawn out to lunch someplace and then we'll probably chill at home the remainder of the day. Maybe I just need to get some sleep in, hope I'm not picking up the damned cold which has been floating around.

Ok! As promised here is some more photo goodness. :)

Red leaves everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty! I look forward to your posts. Keep it up!
