Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Weigh-In

Clicky Clicky
A couple of pretty cool things happened this past week.  First, Leslie was nice enough to toss a new scale at us - which measures in tenths of a pound, and seems much more accurate than the other one we had hanging around for years.  The older scale, I would step on it 3-4 times in a row and get variances by as much as two pounds.  I'd have to do it several time to 'calibrate' it. Hahaha.. well, it was good enough but I am going to trust the new one now.

The other, I have broken through that 280 barrier, down to 278.5 as of today's weigh-in. That puts me at a total loss so far of 42.5 pounds. I'm creeping up on being halfway towards my weight loss goal which is pretty cool, but I know it is going to get much harder from here forward.

The combination of darker, colder days and less opportunities to be outside doing things will present a challenge.  Being stuck indoors more also leads to more temptation to relax on the diet too,  and there are still several holidays, big birthday parties, etc. to get through and not cave in to temptations.  So far so good. :)

Yesterday I took a small left turn from my diet for lunch.  We went out to the mall to Blue-C Sushi, a favorite of ours locally.  For the first time since August I had rice (albeit a small amount) and also on my salad there were a few skinny slices of chicken that had some breading on them.  The food was delicious, but man I could really taste how much salt there was in some of the items, since I've been on a low sodium diet. It really was interesting.  I used to dunk sushi into soy sauce, now I barely dipped pieces.

Rounded off the day with more of the chili lime marinated chicken which has quickly become a favorite for me, and I have some left for lunch today too.

Dawn brought along her digital camera, so here are some lovely pix of the 2 items (apart from my salad, which is mostly lettuce and carrot shreds) that I had for lunch. :)

Seared Tuna with miso dipping sauce

A lobster roll with cucumber and soy sauce.

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