Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Check In

Mornin, world.

Just a very short blog post today to check in and keep on track. After being back on plan for a little while, I'm seeing my weight creep slowly back down a bit, as expected.  Returning to better eating habits means shedding some water weight right off the bat. The trick now is to keep on target again and keep motivated, exercise, walk, etc.

I'm hoping to have some new recipes up online to share soon too, as we have a beautiful new kitchen at the house and I am eager to get into more home cooking again.  We made a fish recipe recently that was good apart from me underestimating the power of the new oven and overcooking it slightly.

I've got a whole new set of walking routes now that we moved too, so I'll have some photos of that to share as well.  I am going to get a post up in the next few days talking about some of the other things I've been up to lately.

Haven't got much else to say today so.. here is a pic of some clouds. Kaybye.

1 comment:

  1. Good reading Mark. When I started Dukan (Oct '11) I was pleased to see (and use) your idea for making beef'n'bean chilli... it's still a favorite meal for me esp/with some coleslaw. I have had awful family probs to deal with and after losing about 65lb I have lapsed for the last week or two. Reading about your renewed efforts, I'm heartened! I haven't weighed recently but aim to get back on the Dukan wagon once the stash of beer has gone :-) ... my family probs haven't quite resolved yet but at least I have my house to myself again and feel in control at last. Thanks for the encouragement! I love your blog. Brenda.
