Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Moving on and moving in!

Good morning, fellow humans.

I have some spectacular news - we've emerged from the other side of the house buying process and located a new home in Kenmore, WA! It cuts out work commute down by 20 minutes and keeps us close to family and friends, we're absolutely thrilled to become first-time homeowners.  Let me tell you - being in better shape is a good thing as soon I will be taking on more physical tasks around the new house and yard.

OK, before I go further here are a couple of pictures of the place - the outside, and the kitchen, which will obviously show up in this blog often. ;)

It is going to be a very busy month for us as we finish packing, organizing all of the things associated with moving like calling utility companies, and settling in.  The past few months have been ultra hectic for us as we have been out looking for places and trying to figure life out in general.

As far as my health plan - I'll admit I've paused a bit on that, as finding the time to cook properly and be out exercising has been a challenge. I haven't put any weight back on though - just haven't made much further progress. Post moving I have pretty easy access to the notorious Burke-Gilman Trail and can make use of that. :)

My use of the Dukan Diet started out very strict and I altered it over time - the original timeline expected me to hit my 'true weight' of  230 pounds in June of this year, which I can still pull off.  They also think that's where I am staying for the long haul - which I disagree with, I plan to push it further and try to get down to 200 or so, which is going to take some serious dedication.  I've shown myself that thanks to my better eating habits and regular exercise, I am not going to pack a bunch of weight back on.

Now I need to get back to business and shed the rest of the chub, and achieve my goal of 200.  I am going to aim for doing this by August 29th.  I'm sitting at 250 right now - that gives me 4 months roughly.

Why August 29th?

Because that's the day I started this whole thing up last year, 80+ pounds ago!

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