Friday, January 6, 2012

Time to fess up

Alrighty, it's time to put this up here so I can move forward.  December was awesome - tons of fun stuff going on - but it really marked a halt in the battle of Mark Vs. Mark.  A cease fire.. a lapse.. a... well...
I like to think of it as a momentary truce time for the holidays.  I neither gained nor lost weight, and the Germans had time to retrieve their dead from the battlefield.

I've got a vacation looming mid-January which is going to be awesome, too - but probably a serious food temptation. And while I have noble goals of exercising while in Hawaii...

Yeah. ;)

So my current battle plan is to come back from that action and dig into things again. I've let off on the throttle a little the last month to see what happens.  I'm actually pretty psyched to see that I will be able to maintain my weight level.  That said, I've got 50 or so pounds to go still on my weight loss and they are going to be much harder to shed than the ones I've already dropped.

This is just a short, start-of-2012, here we go - motivation time sort of post!

One more thing. Here's me in September 2011 - versus January 2012. 

42.3 BMI
33.6 BMI

Since starting this lifestyle change, I have been out walking and seen more of the world, I've participated in a charity 5K, I've been able to fit into chairs and booths at restaurants, I've had enough energy to feel antsy and want to get off my ass and do stuff on the weekend, and I have learned to cook a bunch of really awesome, tasty, healthy food.

I am excited to see where I can go next and very thankful for all of the support from people in my life, and for the small but mighty few of them who read this blog I've been writing.  If you are one of them, why not leave a comment on this post and tell me to get off my ass and back in gear for 2012. I could use the motivation. :D




  1. Oooh you should walk/run on the beach. I hear that makes it a tougher work out. :)

  2. Ted and I will be embarking on a "healthier life" effort in 2012. We had already planned to do so, and then his heart attack this week just reinforced how important it was to get started. I have certainly been inspired by what you've accomplished. Keep at it!

  3. So proud of you Mark-hard to tell you get off your *ss when I should do the same and haven't so far but please continue-you are looking great and I know you are feeling great too :)

  4. I think the fact that you went through the holidays and still managed to lose 2 pounds speaks volumes for how well you are doing. You are looking great -- now get off you @ss and go work out!

  5. You can always swim from island to island... Keep up the good work!
