Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pre-Vacation Weigh In

Click for Ze Beeg Version™
I can't claim to have been particularly attentive to my diet the last few days - I had french fries a couple of times, and some biscuits the other night, and even munched on some french toast with syrup. Somehow, I've still managed to lose a couple of my holiday pounds and that's a good thing.  Down to 252 this week, lowest I've managed to get yet.  That puts me one pound shy of losing 70 pounds since the start of my Dukan-based diet.

Next Sunday, we're headed out to Hawaii.  It's the first time we've been and we're both super excited about it and making all sorts of plans.  I'm sure while I am there, I'll sample assorted foods and do some drinking, but hopefully the damage will be minimal. We'll see.  Leslie was all excited about trying 'Loco Moco' which is a dish they have all over that sounds like someone's focused, deliberate attempt to put every single thing I have avoided eating on this diet onto one delicious, fat, carb and calorie-clogged plate.

I'm so looking forward to it.

Here's the first image you get from google if you look for "Loco Moco"

Eggs, Beef, Gravy, Rice, noodles, mac salad... and red dye #3

Apparently in Hawaii, everything you eat also comes with a scoop of macaroni salad.  I was somewhat familiar with this thanks to the local presence of L&L Hawaiian BBQ in Lynnwood, which has very tasty mac salad.  Curious about this, I tapped into the mighty power of the intertubes and asked, "why is macaroni salad so popular in Hawaii".

This is what the intertubes taught me.

I'll sum up for you though. As with most comfort foods - that shit was easy to make, and cheap, and abundant, so now it is everywhere.

Alrighty, over and out.

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