Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Lunch + Weekend Plans

Mongolian Goodness.. w/ a wee bit of sriracha sauce to the side. ;)
Went down to the Mongolian Grill in Totem Lake. Leslie and I have been going there the last few weeks since it's food that we can basically invent on the spot and stay within dietary plan.

I skip noodles in the bowl of course, along with rice later and no sauce.  I put on 2 ladles of garlic (woo!) and get chicken + beef (double meat, proteins!).  Usually finish it off with broccoli, marinated broccoli hearts, cabbage, zucchini, onions, and a few carrots.

Speaking of plans...

I have to admit that I have not been following the Dukan Diet ideal of a 'pure protein day' followed by a 'Proteins + allowed veggies' day.  I've had veggies on non-veggie days.

It's a small cheat, but a cheat nonetheless so I am owning up to it here.  I find it hard to feel bad about it, after all I could be eating deep fried chicken strips and crap like that.

It's a stupidly nice day for late September in this area, sunny and mid 70's.  I think tonight I will go out for a walk while I can still get onto the trail over by Edmonds Community College.  I walked all the way around this a little while ago, it's pretty awesome.  Dawn and I have been using it for shorter 30-minutes walks but it closes at dusk so we can't do that weekdays, now.

We also have a 30-minute residential walking path we're using.  It terminates in front of somebody's house who has a basketball hoop and net. So that's the goal.. get to the net, reach up and 'tag' it - then head home.

Getting in 30 minutes of walking during the day, and then 30 minutes in the evening is a great way to go. That's 300 walking minutes Monday-Friday, enough to burn 2,900 calories total at my weight.  Toss in a walk or two on the weekend and I easily hit the 3500 calories required to lose a pound that week.  I'm eating a low-calorie diet though, so I am losing weight faster.  We'll see come Monday where I am.

Most importantly - I feel great.  Small compliments from people, smaller clothes feeling better on me, and I am never out of breath while walking any more. 

I can do this.

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