Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Halloween fell on a Monday this year - and man, were there a lot of examples of junk food lying around the office.  We had a staff costume contest, pumpkin carving contest (I won 1st place!), and they fed people. But of course, it was pizza, and candy, and cupcakes, etc.  They bought WAY too much also.. here's a pic of the cupcakes, there are still this many left, and if you work in an office you know how rapidly free food usually vanishes.  Everyone was sick of them, hah.

I did the only responsible thing as a steadfast dieter and current weight-loss junkie: I went out to lunch with Leslie instead last Friday during the Halloween pizza party.

Then we get to Monday, and actual Halloween.  I brought a couple of these cupcakes home, and I had one for dessert, as well as a couple of little candy bars from out Halloween bucket, after the kiddos stopped coming by.

Cheat! Cheat! Cheat! ZOMG!

Well sure, technically. But a planned one, and that's what matters.  I don't even think I really enjoyed it - the cupcake made my sweat a bit, not used to eating sugar at all.  It made for a decent willpower test though.  Got it out of my system and back on track - next hurdle will be Thanksgiving.  I'm already scheming to bring over a healthy side-dish!

It's been foggy here lately too, and I saw the coolest spider web while out walking mid-morning near work:

There's one other thing on my plate this month - so to speak - and that is the arrival of the infamous NaNoWriMo. Sounds like an Eskimo village - but it's the National Novel Writing Month.  I know many people who are getting in on this madness and I think I shall become one of them.  I've always wanted to write a book - and I've always written smaller things, and had tons of ideas.

It might mean my blogging takes a shorter turn here until we clear November, but I am gonna still put these up.  Multitasking!

OK, over and out. :)

Oh yeah one final pic! Dawn and I as Alice and the Mad Hatter!

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